Below are variables used with this theme…

Site Variables under Params

name type example Description
env string ‘production’ To set env to production
title string ‘My Blog’ To set title
description string ‘This is a blog of mine’ To set site description
author string |list ‘Me’ | [‘Me’,‘You’] To show multiple Authors
images string ‘myimage.png’ Link or path of image for opengraph, twitter-cards
keywords list [blog, page] Add keywords for Home page
DateFormat string “January 2, 2006” The format of date strings in the website. Details
languageAltTitle string “English” Alternate title in Multilingual Mode
ShowReadingTime boolean true | false To show read time in post meta
ShowShareButtons boolean true | false To show/hide share buttons under post
ShowCodeCopyButtons boolean true | false To show/hide Code Copy button
ShowFullTextinRSS boolean true | false To show Content in RSS feed
defaultTheme string light | dark | auto To set default theme
disableThemeToggle boolean true | false To disable theme toggle icon shown besides label
disableSpecial1stPost boolean true | false To disable no-card special appearance of 1st post
disableScrollToTop boolean true | false To disable ScrollToTop button
hideMeta boolean true | false To Hide meta elements : date, read-time, author and available-translations for page
hideSummary boolean true | false To Hide summary being shown in list pages
showtoc boolean true | false To show/hide Table of Contents
tocopen boolean true | false To keep open ToC by default on page load
ShowPostNavLinks boolean true | false Show Previous and Next Posts below a Post
ShowBreadCrumbs boolean true | false Show BreadCrumb Navigation above single post/page
comments boolean true | false To show/hide comments string “XYZabc” Site Verification Tag for Google Analytics string “XYZabc” Site Verification Tag for Bing string “XYZabc” Site Verification Tag for Yandex
schema - - Details
fuseOpts - - Details
socialIcons - - Details
label - - Details
assets - - Details
cover - - Details
profileMode - - Details
editPost - - Details


name type example Description
label.text string ‘Home’ To display different label text other than title
label.icon string ‘/apple-touch-icon.png’ To display a logo image in label
label.iconHeight integer 35 To set size of label logo image


name type example Description
profileMode.enabled boolean true | false For enabling profileMode, needs to be explicitly set
profileMode.title string “Title” Title
profileMode.subtitle string “subtitle here” Subtitle
profileMode.imageUrl string “image.png” | “" Image URL or Link
profileMode.imageWidth string “150” Width of image
profileMode.imageHeight string “150” Height of image
profileMode.imageTitle string “This image is a picture of ..” Title of image
profileMode.buttons - - Details
        - name: Archive
        url: "/archive"
        - name: Github
        url: ""


name type example Description
assets.favicon string ‘icon.ico’ To set favicon, can be path or external link
assets.disableHLJS boolean true | false To disable Highlight.js loading
assets.disableFingerprinting boolean true | false To disable Sub-Resource integrity for assets


name type example Description
cover.linkFullImages boolean true | false To open full size cover images on click on cover
cover.responsiveImages boolean true | false To enable/disable generation of responsive cover images
cover.hidden boolean true | false To hide everywhere but not in structured data
cover.hiddenInList boolean true | false To hide on list pages and home
cover.hiddenInSingle boolean true | false To hide on list pages and home


name type example Description
schema.publisherType string ‘Organization’
schema.sameAs list [“URL1”, “URL2”] Set



    isCaseSensitive: false
    shouldSort: true
    location: 0
    distance: 1000
    threshold: 0.4
    minMatchCharLength: 0
    keys: ["title", "permalink", "summary", "content"] ##  can be less but not more than shown in list


    - name: "<platform>"
        url: "<link>"
    - name: "<platform 2>"
        url: "<link2>"


    URL: "<path_to_repo>/content"
    Text: "Suggest Changes" # edit text
    appendFilePath: true # to append file path to Edit link

Note: Same format is being used by Page Variables

Page Variables

Name Type Example Description
showtoc boolean true | false To show/hide Table of Contents
tocopen boolean true | false To keep open ToC by default on page load
hidemeta boolean true | false To Hide meta elements : date, read-time, author and available-translations for page
comments boolean true | false To show/hide comments
description string ‘description text’ Show Post Description under Title
canonicalURL string https://canonical.url/to/page" To add canonical URL to posts
disableShare boolean true | false To hide/show share icons under a page
disableHLJS boolean true | false To disable Highlight.js loading
searchHidden boolean true | false Hide page from search
hideSummary boolean true | false To Hide summary being shown in list pages
ShowReadingTime boolean true | false To show read time in post meta
ShowBreadCrumbs boolean true | false Show BreadCrumb Navigation above single post/page
ShowPostNavLinks boolean true | false Show Previous and Next Posts below a Post
author string |list ‘Me’ | [‘Me’,‘You’] To show multiple Authors
cover.image string ‘featured.jpg’ To add a cover image
cover.caption string ‘caption for image’ To add caption to cover image
cover.alt string ‘this is cover image’ Alternate text to show if image doesn’t load/show up
cover.relative boolean true | false To use relative path for cover image, used in hugo Page-bundles
cover.hidden boolean true | false To hide on current single page
weight integer 5 To set page order or to pin a post to Top of list